If you have a small business that relies on you to keep running, what would happen if you were disabled? you probably have considered things like your medical bills, wages, and other obvious issues that come into play when you are disabled. But what happens to your business? Business overhead expense disability insurance is a policy that provides the kind of coverage a small business that relies on a few people to keep it running needs in case of a serious injury or illness.
The costs of running a business are many and varied; when only a few people are the backbone of ensuring that things keep running smoothly, the loss of just one of those people can be catastrophic. Business overhead expense disability insurance is designed to provide coverage for those areas of your business that still need be paid even when someone vital to the organization becomes disabled.
This type of policy covers your business for things like rent, utilities, and employee salaries, all basic things you simply can’t stop paying if you want the business to keep running. Beyond that, it also provides coverage for insurance premiums on things like worker’s comp and commercial insurance policies, taxes, and even interest on certain types of business debts. A business overhead expense disability policy also helps to pay things like repairs or maintenance on office equipment, postage, and other regular needs of a business.
For any business that has only a few core people at its heart, this sort of insurance is invaluable. If you become disabled, the ability to pay all of these important business expenses is seriously compromised. Business overhead expense insurance does exactly what the name implies; it pays all of the business overhead expenses that are required in order to keep your business running.
This type of policy, however, does not cover everything. A business overhead policy does not pay the salary of someone hired to replace you or cover certain things such as income taxes. Be sure that you have all of the coverage you need to protect your business from disaster if something should happen to you or another key leader in your company.
Business expense overhead insurance provides you with the kind of coverage that will keep your business alive and well in spite of a disability. This coverage is often forgotten when you think about disability policies, but it could be the very coverage that prevents you from losing your business if something should happen to you.
Contact us today or schedule an appointment and we can review your needs and provide solutions.