What Is Your Greatest Asset? YOU Are!
According to the Social Security Administration 1 in 4 of 20 year old’s will be disabled before reaching the age of 67. If you are are older than 20 then your chances of becoming disabled just increased. This misconception is that people rely on their assets to protect them in times of crisis. It could be their Home Equity, their Retirement or Investment accounts, or perhaps even their savings account. However, their biggest asset actually is their ability to earn an income. We protect our homes with Home Insurance, our vehicles with Auto Insurance, and even our lives upon death with Life Insurance as to not place a burden on the ones we love. But what happens if something tragic happens while we are living? That is why disability insurance is important. Let’s have a cup of coffee and explore how we can help to protect your family today!
The Average Worker
If you are living paycheck to paycheck what would the struggle be like if you missed 2 or more paychecks? What if you were in a serious accident whether on the job or not? And what if it was an illness? Life would be much more difficult, as we all know. Our rent or mortgage continues to be due along with the phone and electricity and not to mention being able to put food on table or gas in the car. With the power of paycheck protection through Disability Insurance we can help protect that. Download this quick information guide.

Stay-at-Home Spouses
Your spouse may not have an income, but they do provide a valuable asset. Many families choose for one spouse to remain at home in order to provide nurture and stability for family. And others in order to pursue passions within the community. Whatever your reason is Disability Insurance is just as important on those even without an income. Imagine having to pay for a nanny, daycare, chafeur service to shuttle children from school to extra-curricular programs and such. How much would that cost? Download our guide for Stay-at-Home Spouses!