Why You Should Have a New Year’s Resolution or Goal – For Teens & Youth

As adults I think we all know or at least are aware of the importance of goals. Most of the time we do this for our work or business but often fail to do this for ourselves personally. Because we as adults understand the importance of goals I am actually writing this from the perspective of why teens and youth should have goals as well. Now, if you are an adult reading this, fine, you’ll find just as much value as a youth would, I would think. Otherwise I would just say, “OK Boomer”.

So, you are a teenager, why should you have a goals? I mean it’s not like you actually have to plan that much for anything beyond studying for your next test or class. You probably live with your parents who are the ones with the ultimate worry of providing for you financially, safety and security, and working to provide a family vacation or quality time together to make up for all the time spent at work or otherwise. So again I ask, why is it important for you have a goal or resolution for this coming year?

Jesus often answered a question with another question and in like fashion I will do the same; are you happy or satisfied with how this past year was? Would you have wanted something to change? If so how can you expect it to change if you never had a road map? This reminds me of story of a traveler who stopped to ask someone where they were. The stranger replied, “where are you going?” and the traveler stated they didn’t know. So the stranger said, “then it doesn’t matter where you are!”.


In a Harvard Study it found that 80 percent of students had no goals set (written or thought of), 17 percent had an idea of goals they would like to achieve and 3 percent actually had clear and defined goals written down. Fast forward 10 years later and the study found that the group of 17 percent made 10x more money than the 80 percent who had no goals and the 3 percent who had goals written made 10x more money than the entire group together. That is the power of having goals. They give you a path, a road map to go by. Otherwise as the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland said, “any ol’ place will do if you don’t know where you are going”.

Now let me warn you, life is NOT about how much money you can earn. Some would say that ‘money is the root of all evil’ when actually that statement is incorrect, maybe caused by a mandela effect. The correct statement from the Bible is “The love of money is the root of all evil” 1 Timothy 6:10. You see money is amoral. Which means it is neither good nor evil just like a brick or a hammer can be used to break windows or build a house for the homeless. It is what we do with it that matters. But I digress, the point is Goals are not just about money. They can be whatever you want.

For example, perhaps it is to read so many books this year, spend more time with family, learn a new skill, or whatever it is for you. I actually teach a “Creating Your Life Plan” workshop which is really profound. In it I speak that while having goals is great, what is better is having a PURPOSE behind those goals. Otherwise goals without purpose become a string of hollow victories endlessly being replaced by more goals. I would be happy to host this workshop which takes about an hour to do. To find out more visit my business page or my personal page. I would be happy to share with you my Life Plan. It is no secret and is only a few pages long.


Believe this or not, I have just recently learned this can be more complicated than you think. If you want to do it right. I have been reading a book called “Man in the Mirror” by Patrick Morley. It has been one of my goals to finish this book. In a recent chapter regarding time management and planning it speaks of this when making plans and discerning God’s Will:

  1. I tell God what I am going to do.
  2. God responds
  3. I beg God to let me do it anyway!
  4. Finally I humble myself and listen.
  5. God tells me what HE is going to do.

I found this interesting that yes even though we make our own plans and goals do we actually consult the one who directs our life? My personal life verse is Proverbs 3:5,6 which goes, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct your paths.” Which means to me that I have to have faith and trust in God that no matter what happens in life it is for HIS purpose. The bad and the good and to not ‘lean on my own understanding’. Also that I should recognize HIS hand in everything and by doing so HE will lead me where HE wants me to go.

The book further breaks it down with another verse from Proverbs 16:1-4. It says, “To humans belongs the plans of the heart but from the Lord comes the proper answer of the tongue. All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. The Lord works out everything to its proper end.”

Proverbs is full of great advice and wisdom. So, HOW to go about with creating your plans or goals for 2020. Well, when you first have the idea forming in your head you should consult with GOD through prayer and meditation first. As the Borg say, “Resistance is Futile”, you might as well consult the Master before you begin because ultimately we are just wasting our time if it is not in HIS will.

After you have prayed and meditated on it the next thing is to write it down with a clear action plan. This is the method I use:

  1. Priority/Goal
  2. Purpose (Why this Goal is important)
  3. Supporting Verse or Inspirational Quote
  4. Envisioned Future (What will it look like when this is achieved)
  5. Current Reality (Be Honest)
  6. Action Plan (How will you achieve this)


I know this was already long and it could be longer and I would be happy to discuss this further which you can contact me or leave a message in the comments but it is important that EVERYONE have some sort of goals. Goals to be accomplished in the next year and even the next five years. These goals should give life to a Purpose otherwise they are merely superficial and we continue in this rat race being lost spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Empty and hollow. But first we should always pray about it and listen for God’s will in our lives. Once it is set we need to commit it to the Lord.

For those adults I often remark how funny it is that we give more time and attention to what we are going to do with the 2 weeks of vacation we might have than on what legacy we will leave our families. Consider that. You’re planning a cruise or Disney vacation for the summer or maybe a beach trip or a mountain escape. But how much time did you spend on deciding what legacy you will leave to your friends, your family, your church, etc?

Consider these two stories. 1) A shop owner who works 7am to 9:30pm to run his business and try to earn as much money as he can. He eventually becomes tired and and his tension and hostility shows to his customers who are slow to return for repeat business. He has little reserves to fall back on. And 2) another business owner who decides that if it can’t be done by 6pm then he doesn’t need the money. He spends that time with his family and his church. Helping others. His home life is balanced and it shows to his customers that he is concerned and cares for them. Money isn’t everything. I would rather be the second example.

I was given a special gift by someone. A young man named Stephen. It was a framed quote that says, “Make it a rule…never, if possible, to lie down at night without being able to say ‘I have made one human being at least a little wiser, a little happier or a little better this day’.” – Charles Kinglsey.

New Year’s Examples for Youth (Feel free to add your own)

  • Love Yourself
  • Forgive Someone
  • Do Something Brave (Ride that roller coaster, bungee jump, give a speech, tell someone how you feel about them)
  • Learn A Life Skill (Auto Mechanics, Financial education, Cook, etc)
  • Be Present in the Moment (Put Your Phone Down at Dinner or with friends)
  • Ask Your Parents something about their childhood
  • Write Something Down Everyday that You are Grateful For
  • Read the Bible (Daily devotion)
  • Keep a Journal
  • Make a New Friend
  • Rekindle and Old Friendship
  • Volunteer or Do Something Selfless to Help Someone Else
  • Read a Book that will help you be a better person
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Losing a loved one is an emotional and challenging time. Funeral pre-planning can be a thoughtful way to ease the burden on your family during this difficult period. In this blog post, we'll discuss the practical and emotional relief that comes with having a detailed funeral plan in place, emphasizing the support it provides to your loved ones when they need it most.
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A funeral is a deeply personal event, and having the opportunity to shape your farewell can be a gift to both yourself and your loved ones. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of customization and personalization in funeral pre-planning, highlighting the unique advantages it offers over relying solely on life insurance to meet the emotional needs of your family.
By Davan Johnson 30 Jan, 2024
While life insurance is a common choice for ensuring financial stability after one's passing, funeral pre-planning offers a practical and often more direct solution. In this blog post, we'll delve into the logistical aspects of funeral pre-planning and discuss how it can serve as a comprehensive alternative to traditional life insurance policies.
By Davan Johnson 30 Jan, 2024
When it comes to securing our loved ones' future, many of us turn to life insurance. However, there's an often-overlooked alternative that not only provides financial security but also peace of mind—funeral pre-planning. In this blog post, we'll explore why taking the time to plan your funeral in advance can be a thoughtful and considerate choice for both you and your family.
By Davan Johnson 24 Aug, 2023
Traveling is all about creating wonderful memories, exploring new places, and immersing yourself in diverse cultures. However, unexpected events can sometimes cast a shadow on these experiences. That's where travel insurance comes to the rescue. In this article, we'll delve into the importance of travel insurance and why every traveler should consider it an essential part of their journey. Travel insurance offers peace of mind like no other. It acts as a safety net against a wide range of unforeseen circumstances, such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, lost luggage, or even travel interruptions due to natural disasters. By investing in travel insurance, you're essentially safeguarding your financial and emotional investment in the trip. Imagine having to cancel your dream vacation due to an unexpected illness – travel insurance ensures you don't have to bear the financial burden alone. Furthermore, travel insurance isn't just about monetary coverage; it's also about having a reliable partner in times of crisis. Medical emergencies can be overwhelming, especially when you're in a foreign country with unfamiliar healthcare systems. With travel insurance, you can access medical assistance and evacuation services, ensuring you receive the best possible care without navigating the complexities on your own. In essence, travel insurance goes beyond being a financial tool; it's a companion that allows you to embrace your travels with confidence, knowing that you're prepared for whatever comes your way. The peace of mind it offers is truly priceless. If you are planning your next trip be sure to reach out to our Trusted Partners at A Magical Traveler to help plan for your future adventure and be sure to protect that with out Travel Insurance program. Feel free to contact us for questions in regards to your insurance needs at www.davanenterprises.com or call (423) 689-3061 to schedule an appointment to get your questions answered, get a quote, or apply for coverage. Davan Enterprises is owned by a Certified Professional Insurance Agent (C.P.I.A.) and is licensed in TN, VA, NC, SC, GA, & FL although may not be contracted with all plans in every state.
By Davan Johnson 24 Aug, 2023
Traveling involves a significant investment of both time and money. From booking flights and accommodations to planning activities, you put in a lot of effort to create a memorable experience. However, life is unpredictable, and even the most meticulously planned trips can encounter unexpected hiccups. This is where the rational case for travel insurance comes into play. Think of it as a safeguard for your investment. Trip cancellations, delays, or interruptions can wreak havoc on your plans and finances. Without travel insurance, you might find yourself losing non-refundable deposits and facing additional expenses to rearrange your trip. But with the right coverage, you can reclaim these costs, allowing you to reschedule your journey without bearing the entire financial burden. Additionally, travel insurance can provide coverage for lost or delayed baggage, trip curtailment, and even legal assistance in case of emergencies. These might seem like rare scenarios, but they do happen, and having insurance ensures you're not left to deal with them alone. When you consider the potential risks and costs associated with unforeseen events during travel, the rational decision becomes clear: travel insurance is an investment that protects your investment. It's a smart choice that allows you to focus on enjoying your trip, knowing that you're financially covered if things don't go according to plan. If you are planning your next trip be sure to reach out to our Trusted Partners at A Magical Traveler to help plan for your future adventure and be sure to protect that with out Travel Insurance program. Feel free to contact us for questions in regards to your insurance needs at www.davanenterprises.com or call (423) 689-3061 to schedule an appointment to get your questions answered, get a quote, or apply for coverage. Davan Enterprises is owned by a Certified Professional Insurance Agent (C.P.I.A.) and is licensed in TN, VA, NC, SC, GA, & FL although may not be contracted with all plans in every state.
By Davan Johnson 24 Aug, 2023
Exploring new destinations often involves stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new experiences. While this is undoubtedly enriching, it also means being prepared for the unexpected, especially when it comes to your health and well-being. Healthcare systems vary widely around the world, and you might find yourself facing unfamiliar procedures and costs in case of a medical emergency abroad. This is where travel insurance plays a pivotal role. It ensures you have access to medical assistance, including emergency medical evacuation if needed, without worrying about exorbitant bills. Moreover, travel insurance takes into account the unique health risks of each destination. From tropical diseases to altitude sickness, travel insurance can offer guidance, preventive measures, and coverage tailored to the specific health challenges you might encounter during your travels. By prioritizing safety with travel insurance, you're not only protecting yourself from financial setbacks but also ensuring that your health and well-being remain at the forefront of your travel experience. If you are planning your next trip be sure to reach out to our Trusted Partners at A Magical Traveler to help plan for your future adventure and be sure to protect that with our Travel Insurance program. Feel free to contact us for questions in regards to your insurance needs at www.davanenterprises.com or call (423) 689-3061 to schedule an appointment to get your questions answered, get a quote, or apply for coverage. Davan Enterprises is owned by a Certified Professional Insurance Agent (C.P.I.A.) and is licensed in TN, VA, NC, SC, GA, & FL although may not be contracted with all plans in every state.
By Davan Johnson 24 Aug, 2023
The allure of travel lies in its spontaneity and the excitement of the unknown. However, the flip side of the coin is that the unknown can sometimes bring about challenges. Here's where travel insurance steps in, not as a safety net that detracts from the adventure, but as a tool that enhances it. Imagine hiking in a remote area and spraining your ankle, or encountering a natural disaster that disrupts your plans. In such situations, travel insurance becomes your reliable partner, offering support that allows you to overcome obstacles without cutting your journey short. It's about embracing the unexpected while having the confidence that you're equipped to handle it. Travel insurance can also contribute to more carefree and enjoyable experiences. With coverage for trip cancellations or interruptions, you're more likely to venture into off-the-beaten-path destinations, try thrilling activities, and immerse yourself in local culture without worrying about the financial repercussions of unexpected changes. In a way, travel insurance aligns perfectly with the essence of travel – the desire to explore, learn, and grow. It adds a layer of preparedness that doesn't diminish the excitement of the journey but amplifies it. By embracing the unexpected with travel insurance, you're empowering yourself to truly make the most of every moment on the road. If you are planning your next trip be sure to reach out to our Trusted Partners at A Magical Traveler to help plan for your future adventure and be sure to protect that with our Travel Insurance program. Feel free to contact us for questions in regards to your insurance needs at www.davanenterprises.com or call (423) 689-3061 to schedule an appointment to get your questions answered, get a quote, or apply for coverage. Davan Enterprises is owned by a Certified Professional Insurance Agent (C.P.I.A.) and is licensed in TN, VA, NC, SC, GA, & FL although may not be contracted with all plans in every state.
By Davan Johnson 23 Aug, 2023
Traditional health insurance that is purchased through employer or group plans as well as what can be found on the marketplace with Deductible, Co-Pays, and Maximum Out-of-Pocket features are the most common type of health coverage in the United States, but it is not the only option. Here are a few alternatives to consider: 1. Short-term health insurance : This type of insurance provides temporary coverage for individuals who are between jobs or waiting for their employer-sponsored insurance to begin. It typically has lower premiums than traditional insurance but also comes with fewer benefits and exclusions for pre-existing conditions. 2. Medicaid: Medicaid is a government-funded health insurance program for low-income individuals and families. It is jointly funded by the federal government and the states, and each state has its own eligibility requirements. 3. Medicare: Medicare is a federal health insurance program for individuals 65 and older, as well as some younger individuals with disabilities. It consists of four parts: Part A (hospital insurance), Part B (medical insurance), Part C (Medicare Advantage plans), and Part D (prescription drug coverage). 4. Health sharing plans: Health sharing plans are not insurance in the traditional sense, but rather a group of individuals who share the cost of their medical expenses. Members of these plans typically share a common set of values, such as a religious belief, and agree to pay a certain amount each month towards the medical bills of other members. 5. Direct primary care: Direct primary care is a model of healthcare where patients pay a monthly fee directly to their primary care provider for access to services, rather than going through a traditional insurance plan. This model can result in lower costs for routine care, but does not provide coverage for hospitalizations or other major medical expenses. It is important to carefully consider the pros and cons of each type of health coverage before making a decision. Traditional health insurance may not be the best fit for everyone, and exploring alternatives can help individuals find the coverage that best meets their needs and budget. Feel free to contact us for questions in regards to your insurance needs at www.davanenterprises.com or call (423) 689-3061 to schedule an appointment to get your questions answered, get a quote, or apply for coverage. Davan Enterprises is owned by a Certified Professional Insurance Agent (C.P.I.A.) and is licensed in TN, VA, NC, SC, GA, & FL although may not be contracted with all plans in every state.
By Davan Johnson 23 Aug, 2023
How the MLR (Medical Loss Ratio) Works! As a consumer, it's natural to wonder whether you will receive a refund for the premiums you pay for your health insurance especially if you end up not using it as much. The answer to this question depends on several factors, including the medical loss ratio (MLR) of your insurance plan. In this blog post, we'll explain what the MLR is and how it affects whether you receive a refund for your health insurance premiums. What is the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR)? The medical loss ratio (MLR) is a measure of how much of the premiums collected by an insurance company are used to cover medical claims. The MLR is calculated by dividing the total amount spent on medical claims by the total premiums collected. The resulting percentage is the MLR. For example, if an insurance company collects $100 in premiums and pays out $80 in medical claims, the MLR would be 80%. In this case, the insurance company is using 80% of the premiums it collects to pay for medical claims, and the remaining 20% is used for administrative costs and profits. How Does the MLR Affect Refunds for Health Insurance? Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), insurance companies are required to meet certain MLR standards. If an insurance company's MLR is too low, it may be required to issue a refund to policyholders. Here's how it works: if an insurance company's MLR is below a certain threshold (85% for large group plans and 80% for individual and small group plans), it must issue a refund to policyholders. The refund is calculated as the difference between the required MLR and the insurance company's actual MLR. For example, if an insurance company has an MLR of 75% for an individual or small group plan, it would be required to issue a refund to policyholders. The refund would be calculated as 5% of the premiums paid (80% - 75%), since the insurance company's MLR is 5% lower than the required threshold. Will You Receive a Refund for Your Health Insurance? It's important to note that not all policyholders will receive a refund. Whether you receive a refund depends on the MLR of your insurance plan and whether the insurance company meets the required MLR standards. If your insurance company meets the required MLR standards, you will not receive a refund. However, if the insurance company's MLR is lower than the required threshold, you may be eligible for a refund. These refunds will automatically be sent out often by check by the insurance company but if you are on an employer or group plan those refunds will most likely be sent to the employer. In conclusion, the medical loss ratio (MLR) is a measure of how much of the premiums collected by an insurance company are used to cover medical claims. Under the ACA, insurance companies must meet certain MLR standards, and if they fail to do so, they may be required to issue a refund to policyholders. Whether you receive a refund for your health insurance premiums depends on the MLR of your insurance plan and whether the insurance company meets the required standards. Feel free to contact us for questions in regards to your insurance needs at www.davanenterprises.com or call (423) 689-3061 to schedule an appointment to get your questions answered, get a quote, or apply for coverage. Davan Enterprises is owned by a Certified Professional Insurance Agent (C.P.I.A.) and is licensed in TN, VA, NC, SC, GA, & FL although may not be contracted with all plans in every state.
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